Hand Frisking Made Smarter
UniTech R&D focuses substantial energy on solving the industry’s most vexing problems with tool and metal monitoring and decontamination. This article highlights just a few of our recent additions. For a more complete picture, check out our TMD videos at www.unitechus.com/services/tool-metal-equipment-monitoring-decontamination/ – or call us anytime.
Decontamination That’s Tougher than Steel
ChemClean Process
For items that have fixed contamination levels that cannot be removed through standard methods, UniTech has engineered and designed a new ChemClean Process that can remove millions of DPM from contaminated equipment within fifteen minutes…accomplishing the difficult task of decontaminating components with millions of DPM to achieve minimum detectable activity levels. Ideal for tough-to-decon stainless steel components, among others.