Customer Satisfaction
The UniTech Quality Management System directs UniTech to perform customer satisfaction surveys in which we obtain and evaluate customer attitudes, UniTech general performance, operations performance, and marketing and sales performance. Our latest survey was performed in the second and third quarters of 2014. UniTech received 80 customer responses with an overall satisfaction rating of 4.3, surpassing our 2014 company goal of 4.0. Survey responders cited dependable service and radiological cleanliness as the two most important laundry services. (UniTech continues to pursue ever more advanced wash formulas for our complete line of launderable garments to further enhance the customer experience.)
All our customers are encouraged to contact their UniTech representative (be it their servicing Plant Manager, Manager, Technical Accounts, or the Corporate Quality Manager) with any inquires pertaining to service quality or any concerns. The Corporate Quality Manager can be contacted at 413-543-6911 extension 127.