Nuclear facilities turn to UniTech for important outage-related needs, including onsite labor for clothing management, laundry processing and just-in-time inventory. Customers with new supplemental supplier contracts now have additional assurance that these valuable outage services will cut costs and improve efficiency in compliance with industry-wide training standards.
New supplemental supplier contracts include the National Academy for Nuclear Training and e-Learning (NANTeL) program and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) standardized evaluation to support the nuclear industry’s expectation that supplemental workers arrive at the job site fully trained and authorized to work. UniTech is working with its customers on training of its outage personnel, assuring quick, easy adoption of on-site outage work. Specifically, UniTech will verify that its personnel have completed all required NANTeL training and EPRI testing, and will provide its customers with access to all training program content and documentation.
The NANTeL initiative will optimize supplemental personnel in-processing time, reducing the utility resources needed to support processing while also controlling supplemental workforce mobilization costs. By reducing in-processing time of outage personnel, together we will significantly reduce the likelihood of outage delays and cost overruns.
This streamlined and standardized initiative will help fulfill the Nuclear Promise industry-wide by decreasing the typical number of days needed to badge supplemental workers. It will also decrease customers’ costs associated with worker processing. Traditional site-specific training, which prolonged preparation of supplemental workers, will no longer be needed.
Our customers must minimize Personnel Contamination Events while keeping outage costs within budget. New NANTeL training protocol will promote safety through standardized training while alleviating your facility’s outage costs. You want to fulfill the nuclear promise, and we want to help. The new NANTeL protocol will be a winning formula for all nuclear facilities.